Mart Saar. Complete Songs
MART SAAR (1882-1963)
Bog Bard with a Worldview
Complete Songs I
Art and Folk Songs
Iris Oja, mezzo soprano
Taavi Tampuu, baritone
Kadri-Ann Sumera, piano
EUR 15.- free shipping
This is the first CD of four more to come with the admirable lied-heritage of Estonian composer Mart Saar (1882-1963).
Mart Saar was one of the very first professional composers in Estonia and one of the most interesting of his time. His body of work is almost exclusively comprised of small forms: choir songs, piano pieces and solo songs with piano accompaniment. The music of Mart Saar is very diverse and therefore his style is hard to label. He was mostly a lyrical romantic with hints of impressionism, but in some of his works like his song ‘Black Bird’ that is also on this album he displays anxious expressionism. Contrasting to this his later works are often very simple, especially his harmonizations of folk music. Crisp and pure Estonian nature plays an important part in his works.
With his ca 180 solo songs Mart Saar is the most creative lied-composer of Estonia until today. The series 'Bog Bard with a Worldview' will be the first complete recording of his all preserved songs. On the first album there are some of Saar's most performed songs (such as 'Black Bird', 'The Clouds Float', 'Silence' etc) next to completely previously unknown music, most of those based on Estonian folk themes. A third of the songs available here are first recordings and even more are first digital recordings.
We are very happy for the possibility to dive deep into the treasures of Mart Saar's fine-written music. There are so many surprising and unexpected details, so many musical and emotional layers that we are in a constant awe. To honor the legacy of Mart Saar and his music we try to do our best, taking time for preparation and recording in the best chamber hall of Estonia, Tubin Hall in Tartu, on a Steinway piano.
More about Mart Saar:
1. Vaikus / Silence (Johannes Kadastik) 2'34
2. Ju valgus tõstab tiibu / Light Raises its Wings (Anna Haava) 2'43
3. Oh mina väike mehikene / Oh, I Am a Little Lad (folklore) 3'02
4. Ei ole hulgas laulijada * / There Are No Singers (folklore) 1'48
5. Jaan läeb jaanitulele * / Jaan Goes to Midsummer Bonfire (folklore) 2'18
6. Halb hein * / Bad Hay (folklore) 1'10
7. Kõrs kahiseb / The Straw Rustles (Jakob Tamm) 1'49
8. Leidsin aiast linnupesa * / I Found a Bird's Nest From the Garden (Juhan Liiv) 1'48
9. Oh mina väike mehikene II */ Oh, I Am a Little Lad II (folklore) 4'27
10. Kodu * / Home (folklore/Martin Körber) 2'50
11. Sa kõige armsam mulle / You Are My Dearest One (Anna Haava) 1'36
12. Kadakad / Junipers (Debora Vaarandi) 2'21
13. Kedrates / Spinning (Karl Eduard Sööt, based on folklore) 1'47
14. Hällilaul / Cradle Song (folklore) 1'40
15. Oh tie valjud vanemad * / Oh, You Austere Parents (folklore) 1'47
16. Eide õpetus hauast / Mother's Teaching from the Grave (folklore) 3'18
17. Haldjate laul * / Fairies' Song (William Shakespeare) 2'03
18. Tantsulaul / Dancing Song (folklore) 1'08
19. Must lind / Black Bird (Karl Eduard Sööt) 3'24
20. Nõel / The Needle (Karl Eduard Sööt) 1'10
21. Hällilaul II / Cradle Song II (folklore) 3'16
22. Sõõrumäele * / To the Mountain (folklore) 1'09
23 Liugu laugu / Glide and Slide (folklore) 1'45
24. Kari koju! * / Herd, Go Home! (folklore) 1'39
25. Mis sääl kõnnib * / What Goes There? (folklore) 1'29
26. Tuulisel rannal / On the Windy Shore (Juhan Sütiste) 2'44
27. Kalamehe laul / The Fisherman's Song (in folk style) 3'22
28. Kus on kurva kodu / Where Is the Home of the Sad? (folklore) 3'15
29. Latvade kõne / Talk of Treetops (Ernst Enno) 1'30
30. Vaikus II / Silence II (Johannes Kadastik) 3'04
31. Üks suu / A Mouth (Juhan Liiv) 3'09
32. Unelaul / Lullaby (folklore) 4'19
33. Pilved sõudvad / The Clouds Float (Juhan Liiv) 2'44
* first recording
Total time: 79'25
Bog Bard with a Worldview
Complete Songs I
Art and Folk Songs
Iris Oja, mezzo soprano
Taavi Tampuu, baritone
Kadri-Ann Sumera, piano
EUR 15.- free shipping
This is the first CD of four more to come with the admirable lied-heritage of Estonian composer Mart Saar (1882-1963).
Mart Saar was one of the very first professional composers in Estonia and one of the most interesting of his time. His body of work is almost exclusively comprised of small forms: choir songs, piano pieces and solo songs with piano accompaniment. The music of Mart Saar is very diverse and therefore his style is hard to label. He was mostly a lyrical romantic with hints of impressionism, but in some of his works like his song ‘Black Bird’ that is also on this album he displays anxious expressionism. Contrasting to this his later works are often very simple, especially his harmonizations of folk music. Crisp and pure Estonian nature plays an important part in his works.
With his ca 180 solo songs Mart Saar is the most creative lied-composer of Estonia until today. The series 'Bog Bard with a Worldview' will be the first complete recording of his all preserved songs. On the first album there are some of Saar's most performed songs (such as 'Black Bird', 'The Clouds Float', 'Silence' etc) next to completely previously unknown music, most of those based on Estonian folk themes. A third of the songs available here are first recordings and even more are first digital recordings.
We are very happy for the possibility to dive deep into the treasures of Mart Saar's fine-written music. There are so many surprising and unexpected details, so many musical and emotional layers that we are in a constant awe. To honor the legacy of Mart Saar and his music we try to do our best, taking time for preparation and recording in the best chamber hall of Estonia, Tubin Hall in Tartu, on a Steinway piano.
More about Mart Saar:
1. Vaikus / Silence (Johannes Kadastik) 2'34
2. Ju valgus tõstab tiibu / Light Raises its Wings (Anna Haava) 2'43
3. Oh mina väike mehikene / Oh, I Am a Little Lad (folklore) 3'02
4. Ei ole hulgas laulijada * / There Are No Singers (folklore) 1'48
5. Jaan läeb jaanitulele * / Jaan Goes to Midsummer Bonfire (folklore) 2'18
6. Halb hein * / Bad Hay (folklore) 1'10
7. Kõrs kahiseb / The Straw Rustles (Jakob Tamm) 1'49
8. Leidsin aiast linnupesa * / I Found a Bird's Nest From the Garden (Juhan Liiv) 1'48
9. Oh mina väike mehikene II */ Oh, I Am a Little Lad II (folklore) 4'27
10. Kodu * / Home (folklore/Martin Körber) 2'50
11. Sa kõige armsam mulle / You Are My Dearest One (Anna Haava) 1'36
12. Kadakad / Junipers (Debora Vaarandi) 2'21
13. Kedrates / Spinning (Karl Eduard Sööt, based on folklore) 1'47
14. Hällilaul / Cradle Song (folklore) 1'40
15. Oh tie valjud vanemad * / Oh, You Austere Parents (folklore) 1'47
16. Eide õpetus hauast / Mother's Teaching from the Grave (folklore) 3'18
17. Haldjate laul * / Fairies' Song (William Shakespeare) 2'03
18. Tantsulaul / Dancing Song (folklore) 1'08
19. Must lind / Black Bird (Karl Eduard Sööt) 3'24
20. Nõel / The Needle (Karl Eduard Sööt) 1'10
21. Hällilaul II / Cradle Song II (folklore) 3'16
22. Sõõrumäele * / To the Mountain (folklore) 1'09
23 Liugu laugu / Glide and Slide (folklore) 1'45
24. Kari koju! * / Herd, Go Home! (folklore) 1'39
25. Mis sääl kõnnib * / What Goes There? (folklore) 1'29
26. Tuulisel rannal / On the Windy Shore (Juhan Sütiste) 2'44
27. Kalamehe laul / The Fisherman's Song (in folk style) 3'22
28. Kus on kurva kodu / Where Is the Home of the Sad? (folklore) 3'15
29. Latvade kõne / Talk of Treetops (Ernst Enno) 1'30
30. Vaikus II / Silence II (Johannes Kadastik) 3'04
31. Üks suu / A Mouth (Juhan Liiv) 3'09
32. Unelaul / Lullaby (folklore) 4'19
33. Pilved sõudvad / The Clouds Float (Juhan Liiv) 2'44
* first recording
Total time: 79'25